This website is dedicated to the topic of kimono and kitsuke (kimono dressing)
This website is dedicated educating people who do not know much about kitsuke, but at the same time, acting as a resource for more in-depth topics in the realm of kitsuke.
Items needed for Kitsuke / Kimono Dressing (using Nagoya Obi):
In the very near future I will be sewing a hakama, so I will write on that topic in the future and fill in some of the gaps that many hakama sewing tutorials tend to leave out! In the meantime, here are some wonderful resources to learn more about hakama and the historical contexts behind them!
女袴の縫い方 Sewing method of Women's Hakama Going into a bit of History (I have to translate the title) Also Going into a bit of History (I have to translate the title) Ancient Hakama History (I have to translate the title) Information about the color Ebicha (I have to translate the title) More Information about Ebicha More Ebicha! (I have to translate the title) Introduction: Leading Women in Meiji Japan